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Ash Chow

Ash Chow Launch Strategist & Conversion Copywriter

About this speaker

Ash Chow is a launch strategist and conversion copywriter for high-integrity course creators who want to develop a deeply human strategy for their content and launches that create a powerful emotional connection (while also skyrocketing their visibility and bank account). 

Ash specializes in creating pre-launch strategies that pack a powerful, yet notable, punch so you can effectively prime your audience and get even more sales rolling through your doors.

She has been a featured speaker at The Copywriter Club IRL Conference '22, a trusted guest expert by course creators like Elise Darma, and loves to wax lyrical about all things marketing and Grey's Anatomy.

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How to POWER up Your Pre-Launch

October 26, 2023, 10:30 PM
Ash Chow

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