How to strategize + write a welcome sequence that will connect with your subscribers, build relationships, and fuel your business growth.
A Talk by Hannah Lipschutz (Hannah Lipschutz Media)
About this Talk
Building a list is the first step in email marketing. But what happens afterward? It's time to connect with your subscribers and build trust with a welcome sequence. Frankly, it's the most important sequence. It’s often your new subscriber’s very first email touchpoint and it sets the tone for your entire future email relationship
The cool thing about a welcome sequence is that done well it can do all of that AND it's on autopilot. Once you set it up, it's there for anyone who signs up for your list.
In this presentation, I'll show you:
— the first thing you need to think about in email marketing
— how to formulate an email strategy
— the main emails you need to include in the welcome flow
— how to use a storytelling approach in your emails
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