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Meet our Speakers

We've gathered some of the top experts in the field to discuss this topic. With years of experience between them, they're well-equipped to offer invaluable insights and perspectives.

Belinda Weaver

Belinda Weaver

Copy Coach and Mentor, Copywrite Matters

Charlotte Davies

Charlotte Davies

Charlotte the Copywriter

Betsy Muse

Betsy Muse

Founder, Rocket Fuel Strategy

Marika Tosi

Marika Tosi

Founder, Marika Tosi

Grace Fortune

Grace Fortune

Grace Fortune Marketing, Inc

Nicole Morton

Nicole Morton

Nicole Morton Agency

Erin Pennings

Erin Pennings



Mining for gold in your own backyard: Turn your network into net-worth

October 24, 2023, 06:00 PM
Belinda Weaver

How to network - the non-sleazy way

October 25, 2023, 01:15 PM
Charlotte Davies

Q&A with Marika Tosi: Sharing a premium course collaboration example

October 25, 2023, 05:00 PM
Marika Tosi

Attract leads for your high-ticket services

October 26, 2023, 05:00 PM
Betsy Muse

The Not-A-Funnel Sales Funnel: The Hidden Power of Your Network to Generate Leads

October 26, 2023, 08:15 PM
Erin Pennings Nicole Morton Grace Fortune

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